Our Philosophy
Ethical Employment
At Kuitpo Forest Strawberries we are committed to ethical and responsible employment. For two seasons now, we have been proud a member of Sedex, the world leaders in ethical, environmental and social practices within business and industry. We annually undergo their SMETA audit to ensure our business continues to uphold responsible business practices.
Environmental Responsibility
On our farm, we are dedicated to the preservation of our eco systems. Over the years, we have implemented sustainable farming practices to help minimize our impact on the environment. From reduced water usage to minimal tilling and renewable energy, we are always working to make our farm green.
We are constantly educating ourselves on new and innovative ideas in the industry that we can implement at our farm. We have the attitude of 'work smarter, not harder', while incorporating our passion for sustainable farming.
Product Quality
Our family are passionate about producing fresh, top quality produce for our consumers. At every step of production, we work hard to ensure the utmost care has been taken to guarantee every piece of produce that leaves our farm is nothing but the best.